Save the International Affairs Budget

Less than 1.5 percent of the total U.S. Budget goes to International Affairs. Yet short-sighted Budget Committee leaders are singling out this 1.5 percent for deep cuts, threatening programs critical to the health and survival of millions of people.

The International Affairs funding is a drop in the bucket in terms of the overall U.S. Budget, but its impact on the world is huge. Even a budget cut of just one percent would mean:

* 63,000 fewer bed nets to protect families from malaria and
* 15,000 fewer treatments for malaria and
* 8,000 fewer treatments for tuberculosis (TB) and
* 37,000 fewer HIV tests and
* 1,100 fewer antiretroviral drugs for people infected with HIV

Fortunately, there's still time to save this budget. Sign this petition and send a letter to your senators telling them that these budget cuts are unacceptable.
Dear Senator,

Current cuts to the International Affairs Budget threaten the lives of millions. Please fix this budget by signing the bipartisan appropriations letter, sponsored by Senators Kerry and Lugar, that supports full funding for the State-Foreign Operations bill.

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