They Burned the Snake Alive For Fun

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Onslow County Animal Cruelty officers and Jacksonville Police
A group of young men gather around the snake as it tries to escape. They spray some sort of chemical on it, and light it on fire — burning it alive.  

The video of the blatant cruelty, filmed at a North Carolina Walmart parking lot, was then posted on Facebook.

Please sign and share the petition to call on local police and animal control officials to investigate and find these men — and charge them with animal cruelty.

It's unclear if the men accidently came across the snake or if they brought it to the parking lot — but what is clear is the shocking cruel joy they demonstrate in burning a living being alive.

The links between violence to animals and violence to people are clear. Studies have shown those that commit acts of animal abuse like these are much more likely to resort to violence against humans. In fact, between 49% and 71% of women who experienced domestic abuse reported that their abusers also threatened, harmed, and or killed pets or other animals.

These men need to pay for their actions before they escalate these levels of cruelty onto other animals — or to other people. Sign the petition to call on the Onslow County Animal Cruelty officers and Jacksonville Police to find, investigate, and charge these men to the fullest extent of the law.
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