Invest in Specialist Services to Reduce Unemployment

Our Employment Plus service supports parents who want to work and provide a decent standard of living for their family but are being excluded from the job market. There are 1.5 million people in the UK who are registered as unemployed, but research undertaken by The Salvation Army has found that a further 1.7 million people are economically inactive but want to work, making 3.2 million the 'real unemployment figure'.

We know how important it is to break down the barriers to employment and give people not only the dignity employment brings but also a financial lift. Failing to invest in people who want to work but are being held back from the job market risks trapping families and, in some cases, entire communities in poverty.

We're calling on the Government to support people furthest from the job market by investing in specialist services that increase their employability and make them attractive to prospective employers.

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