President Obama: Thank you for temporarily halting the Dakota Access Pipeline. Now Stop it Permanently.

You've said that you value native sovereignty and now you’ve proven that you can halt the Dakota Access Pipeline. Please respect Indigenous lives, their sacred waters and our precious climate and permanently reject this pipeline.
Atualização #27 anos atrás
After nearly a year, and Trump’s new order to build the pipeline, #noDAPL camps are being cleared by the police water protectors have set some of the camps on fire as they are forced out and arrested. The campaign continues however: Standing Rock Sioux have planned a DC march & encampment - 3/10 more info here. If you can’t attend, make sure to support #BankExit NOW.
Atualização #18 anos atrás
Permit Denied!
The Army Corps has rejected the DAPL permit to cross the Missouri River - this is a huge win for Standing Rock Sioux Water Protectors and allies! The fight isn’t over though - keep saying #NoDAPL and share this image on FB!
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