My service dog was stolen from me while I was in the hospital

I'm a elderly and physically disabled veteran and require the use of a service dog. I have a German shepherd dog which I've received as a gift from my companion, when I received this dog he was eight weeks of age. I named him Major, Major was born in Cayey Puerto Rico on September 1, 2009. With the proper training Major became a service dog on July 20, 2013.

Major was essentially stolen from me while I was in the hospital. Please sign my petition to help me get him back.

On December 1, 2014, I was hospitalized for one month at the William W, Backus Hospital. At the end of my stay, I was transferred to a convalescent center for six months. During my stay at the Backus hospital, my neighbhor Glenn came to my room and had a document that someone wrote saying that "I was of sound mind and body and was giving him permission to give my dog away to his nurse practitioner Kathleen Bonin APRN." I don't recall ever signing anything while I was in the hospital. I was diagnosed with encephalopathy, which is a brain disease. I was heavily medicated and in no condition to voluntary sign any documentation. I have no recollection of singing any contract vacating the ownership of my service dog Major.

Not having my service dog is both physically and mentally devastating. I have suffered multiple falls due to the absent of my service dog Major, who was trained to assist with my medical condition. The trauma of Major's absent has caused me to suffer major depression for which I have had to seek psychiatric help, with the on going absent of his present my depression is getting worst each and every day.

Since I've been released from the convalescent center on June 6, 2015, I've have been trying to recover the illegal seize of Major with the help of the internet. I've posted the story of his abduction on several social medias Craigslist, Facebook,Twitter and Instagram. I've been getting much assistance from a very close friend Joanne Brunetti, Andrew Bates, Mathew Hallisey both from the VA legal center, Senator Kathleen Osten, Attorney Brooke A. Goff, WFSB Eyewitness News(Kevin P. Hogan WFSB), AJ Walker, Ronnie Rhonda Mannochi Cenotti and several other people have been trying to help, but to no avail as of this date, I'm going to continue with every effort to legally get Major back home where he belongs.

I'm hoping and praying that someone could help me with getting my beloved companion back to me. Please sign my petition to bring Major home.

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Jill Kanopa From NBC news asked me if I could go on camera!
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