Demand Reform- Innocent Until Proven Guilty!

    Innocent people are arrested everyday. Our rights are being violated by the Criminal Justice System. Washoe County jail is an example of how the State victimizes residents everyday. Excessive Bail/No bail has become common procedure. Own Recognance Release is granted at a minimum. Inmates having access to working phones to call lawyers and arrange bail is nonexistent. Court dates being held in a reasonable timely fashion are extinct. So if you get arrested, whether guilty or innocent: you will spend anywhere from 24 hours up to 12 weeks just to be able to get released due to the inefficiency of the system. The likelihood of having a job or even your home after an arrest are hopeful at best- but these things are a requirement to even be released from jail. Take a STAND today! Book and Release for all NONVIOLENT crime. Ticket/Schedule future court hearing to address the legal issues and then release until court for all nonviolent crime. Innocent Until PROVEN guilty. Sign for your rights.
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