Don't Kill Jackals- Relocate Them

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário: Ministry of Environment, Secretary Dr. Kalumbi Shangula, Director Mr. Teofilus Nghitila

The Ministry of Environment has issued a quota for 20 jackals to be shot and killed, after an outcry that jackals are killing sheep and goats of local farmers.

The Ministry has admitted they are not sure how many jackals there actually are, and that illegal hunting and poaching already exists. Such guesswork could lead to the extinction of the jackal in certian areas - or a population explosion.

Studies have demonstrated that the continual cycle of seasonal culls is responsible for a larger population- not less. Killing the jackals artificially increases food supplies to the remaining jackals, the consequence of which is increased reproduction and a greater population.

A better solution may be to relocate them- not kill them. Another solution might be for farmers to better protect their livestock from wildlife. We ask that you stop killing jackals and relocate them as jackals play an important role in keeping the balance of nature.

Dr. Kalumbi Shangula

Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Private Bag 13346
Tel: 264 61 2842333
Fax: 011 264 61 2842333

Mr. Teofilus Nghitila

Director of Environmental Affairs
Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Private Bag 13306
Republic of Namibia
Tel: + 264 61 284 2751
Fax: 011 264 61 240 339

The Ministry of Environment has issued a quota for 20 jackals to be shot and killed, after an outcry that jackals are killing sheep and goats of local farmers.

The Ministry has admitted they are not sure how many jackals there actually are, and that illegal hunting and poaching already exists. Such guesswork could lead to the extinction of the jackal in certian areas - or a population explosion.

Studies have demonstrated that the continual cycle of seasonal culls is responsible for a larger population- not less. Killing the jackals artificially increases food supplies to the remaining jackals, the consequence of which is increased reproduction and a greater population.

A better solution may be to relocate them- not kill them. Another solution might be for farmers to better protect their livestock from wildlife. We ask that you stop killing jackals and relocate them as jackals play an important role in keeping the balance of nature.

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