Urge Local Officials to Ban Hazardous Lanterns!

  • por: Ashlyn D
  • destinatário: Liz Alpert, Suzanne Atwell, Susan Chapman, Shelli Freeland-Eddie, and William Shaw

Hi :) My name is Ashlyn and I am an 11th grade student in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Put simply, I'm a nature- and animal-lover. Nothing makes me happier than basking in the sun, getting muddy or sandy, smelling the rain, eating scrumptious vegetarian/vegan food, and showing all animals the love they deserve by playing with them and caring for them. I sign petitions and write letters to organizations and corporations all the time to protect the Earth and its beings (human and non-human alike) in an effort to maintain a synergistic, peaceful, beautiful world. So it makes sense that something that puts pretty much all of these things in danger would be a huge concern!

Those big, bright, lofty, orange, luminarias that you have likely noticed many people releasing into the sky, especially on and around holidays and for special occasions, is one of those things.

While they look delicate and festive and strike us with awe during the two minutes or so that they remain visible to the human eye, starting their journey floating far off into the atmosphere, these lit-up bulbs actually pose an extreme risk to not just the environment but also wildlife in the air and ocean too. People can also be negatively affected!

There are numerous instances of lantern detriment and interference. According to Wildfire Today, "[a]fter [lanterns] are launched, they are completely out of control... They have ignited roofs and started a fire that burned 800 acres in Myrtle Beach, South Carolin[a] in 2011. In May, 2015 dozens of sky lanterns were released from the Carolina Speedway in Gastonia, North Carolina. The wind blew some of them into a cell phone tower, igniting it just out of range of the water cannon on the Union Road Volunteer Fire Department’s fire engine." In addition to these hazards, birds are suffocated, and land or marine life (such as cows or sea turtles) can ingest lantern remains if they come across any in their environment. This would cause them to die. This is the ultimate cost of our "fleeting fancy."

Considering the above, I would like to initiate the process of passing a law that bans lanterns in the starting in the paradise of the City of Sarasota. Several states have already banned them, and it is crucial to follow that example. I urge you to advocate for the health and safety of animals, our precious environment, and humans all around by taking action on this issue now - and sharing it!

If we work together, we can curb this dangerous practice. Thank you so much!

~ Ashlyn

*Photo credit: Simon Pain @ Billow Farm*

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Hello guys, and thank you endlessly for signing... Please take a moment if you have one to simply spread this petition to more people, as it seems we have reached a signature plateau. We need to share it far and wide in order to reach the goal. Thank you!! :)
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