Demand that Covance STOP Testing on Animals Now!

  • por: Jo Cowper
  • destinatário: Covance CEO Deborah Keller

It's 2015 and Covance continue to put innocent animals through painful, torturous clinical testing procedures which are already banned in many countries and have been proven time and time again to be unnecessary and in many cases innefective. It is time to STOP the inhumane abuse and waste of precious lives of our beloved animals. We didn't ask for it, they didn't ask for it, nobody wants it. Please put an end to using animals in clinical trials and follow other countries by looking into alternative, widely available and more effective methods of research.

We want an end to the cruelty, suffering and inhumane treatment of animals across the globe. We demand that you end your part in perpetuating this horror in the name of science and progress. It is an abhorrence.

Please STOP testing on animals NOW.

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