Save Hong Kong Wetlands!

  • por: Lynn Hamilton
  • destinatário: Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Department

Wetlands around Hong Kong are being paved at a deplorable rate. The most recent travesty occurred in the Tuk Mei Chung region where a wetland area the size of a football field was paved over.

This project alone endangers 130 species of butterfly, including the red lacewing, Skippers, and several types of Swallowtails. Wetlands are also critical habitat for breeding fish, snails, and darters. It's high time for Hong Kong's government to step in and put the breaks on wetlands destruction.

Please join me in asking Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Department to create a development permission area plan to save the area's wetlands and preempt environmental destruction.

Dear Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Department:

I am outraged that, in this century, you would allow unchecked destruction of your city's wetlands.

The science of wetlands is well known. They are nature's nurseries. Many fish species lay their eggs in wetlands which provide a safe haven for the immature fish of the next generation. The wetland recently paved at Tuk Mei Chung is home to 130 species of butterfly.

Please create a development permission area plan to save the area's wetlands and preempt environmental destruction.

Thank you,
[Your name here]

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