No Euthanasia for Hungry Polar Bears!

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário: Dr. Andrew Derocher of the University of Alberta

With climate change taking its toll on polar bear habitat, future management has recently been discussed in a new study “Rapid ecosystem change and polar bear conservation,” by 12 scientists. One of the scientists, Andrew Derocher of the University of Alberta and author of "Polar Bears: A Complete Guide to their Biology and Behavior “ says;

"The management options for northern communities like Churchill would range from doing nothing, to feeding the bears, moving them somewhere else or euthanizing them."


The notion that polar bears may face starvation, and euthanasia is a "humane" alternative is flawed science since seal hunting has been permitted unchecked for decades- hundreds of thousands are culled annually- and they are a primary food source of polar bears. The "humane" thing to do would be to place a moratorium on seal slaughter as a polar bear can consume 5 seals a week.

Tell Dr. Andrew Derocher of the University of Alberta to suppot the ban on seal hunting for the survival of the polar bear.

Phone: (780) 492-5570
Fax: (780) 492-9234

With climate change taking its toll on polar bear habitat, future management has recently been discussed in a new study “Rapid ecosystem change and polar bear conservation,” by 12 scientists. One of the scientists, Andrew Derocher of the University of Alberta and author of "Polar Bears: A Complete Guide to their Biology and Behavior “ says;

"The management options for northern communities like Churchill would range from doing nothing, to feeding the bears, moving them somewhere else or euthanizing them."


The notion that polar bears may face starvation, and euthanasia is a "humane" alternative is flawed science since seal hunting has been permitted unchecked for decades- hundreds of thousands are culled annually- and they are a primary food source of polar bears. The "humane" thing to do would be to place a moratorium on seal slaughter as a polar bear can consume 5 seals a week.

Tell Dr. Andrew Derocher of the University of Alberta to suppot the ban on seal hunting for the survival of the polar bear.

Phone: (780) 492-5570
Fax: (780) 492-9234

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