Who Dumped J.D. the Dog on the Side of the Road and Left Him to Die?

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Detroit Police Department
Frederick Campbell couldn't believe what he had seen. He was sitting outside with his fiance when all of a sudden someone drove by — stopping just long enough to pull a skinny brown dog out of the trunk of their car and throw it out like trash.

Thankfully, Campbell and his companion were there to help the poor dog, now named John Doe (JD). They ran to the him and gave him some water, but he was so scared he ran under a vehicle for cover. It was only when rescuers arrived that they could get him to come out.

When they finally got to him, rescuers found a dog that had been severely neglected and abused. He had sores all over his body and a terrible fever. Even now JD still has a long road ahead of him before he is healthy again.

The one thing we can do for him is make sure that his abuser is caught. There is no excuse to treat another living thing as if it were trash. Whoever did this to JD must be found and prosecuted.

Please sign this petition and urge police to find JD's abuser. Together, we can make sure they pay for their crime.
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