Because of this continual climate change issue, the environment and wildlife is endangered. Through a study in the journal of Science, ecologist Dr. Mark Urban at the University of Connecticut states that if the planet continues to warm up, species will disappear at an alarming rate. Through global warming, the surface temperature has raised temperatures about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since the Industrial Revolution. If the problems continue, many animals and wildlife will become extinct.
The New York Times reports that Hundreds of studies published over the past two decades have yielded a wide range of predictions regarding the number of extinctions that will be caused by global warming. Some have predicted few extinctions, while others have predicted that 50 percent of species face oblivion. The full story can be read at
Ecologist Dr. Urban keeps visiting every climate extinction and continues studies into this huge issue that could natural existence. He ended up with 131 studies examining plants, amphibians, fish, mammals, reptiles and invertebrates spread out across the planet. He reanalyzed all the data in those reports. In the end, he found that 7.9 percent of species were predicted to become extinct from climate change. Estimates based on low levels of warming yielded much fewer extinctions than hotter scenarios.
With the results of research thus far, Dr. Urban states that new studies and predictions cannot come too soon. “We need to elevate our game,” he said. Through the efforts of this petition, we are encouraging the Fish & Wildlife Service to boost their funding. Help us in our efforts to save wildlife from the effects of climate change by signing and sharing this petition.
Fish and Wildlife Service director Dan Ashe – If you do not step up the game and continue your studies and research into the global warming and climate change, many species of wildlife will be soon extinct. Ensure you boost funding in an effort to do more research into climate adaptation for wildlife.