A puppy shot and killed and another injured. The People got away with it!!!

  • por: Mariah Lay
  • destinatário: 2 people who shot a basset hound puppy who they killed and a 3 year old chocolate lab who is injured get in serious trouble

These people who live in Pennsylvania came to Ohio because of their job. I took care of their dogs for 3 months and after those 2 months were over, the husband took the dogs home. Their 3 year old Choc. Lab and there Basset-Hound puppy got lose a couple hours after they got home. The husband, son, and husbands friend all went to look for the dogs. The dogs had collars, tags, and they are micro chipped. The husband went back to the house and heard 2 gun shots. A few minutes later he seen his lab appear from the woods bleeding from his neck, mouth and eye. He ran over to him, grabbed and squeezed his neck so the lab could breathe. The husband was screaming for help and a short while afterward, the son and friend showed up and took the lab to the hospital. Hersey, the lab, went through surgery and is doing better. He is now blind in one eye and is traumatized. The Husband went over to neighbors which Hersey appeared from and found his basset-hound puppy in their backyard, dead. The puppy was lured up to the neighbors back porch, held by the collar and shot right between the eyes because they people thought the dogs were aggressive. My question is how can they be aggressive if they can hold the dog by the collar without getting bit? Hersey was almost killed the same way but he was smart enough to turn his head and the bullet penetrated his eye, went down through his throat, and out through the front of his neck. He traveled about a 1/2 mile to get home while bleeding and in pain, to get to safety, to get help.

The Police said their is nothing they can do to the people because the dogs were on their property, but they weren't until they offered both dogs a treat. The neighbors girlfriend admitted that she shot both dogs. Now if there is evidence (pictures of the dogs and where they shot Chester plus her admitting she shot them) shouldn't the police be able to do something? They refuse. The family of the dogs are suffering and so am I and my family plus many other who love those dogs. They just lost a part of their family and are worried sick about Hersey. He is still fighting to stay alive.

Im starting this petition because something needs to be done about this. How can someone get away with animal cruelty like this? THEY SHOT AND MURDERED A PUPPY!! This wont only make a difference to me and their family, but will make a difference in stopping animal cruelty.

Atualização #510 anos atrás
Thank you all!!!! Justice will be coming soon hopefully! i NEED the signers so they can show this petition in court. PLEASE get others to sign!! This is REALLY important!
Atualização #410 anos atrás
Thank you everyone who as signed. Please tell your friends about Chesters and Herseys story!
Atualização #310 anos atrás
Hersey went home to his family today! He's doing a lot better!! They are taking those bad people to court, I need the signatures so please spread the word!
Atualização #210 anos atrás
Hersey is doing better. Blind in his eye of course. He may even get to go home Saturday!!
Atualização #110 anos atrás
The police claim they cant do anything about it. The owners are going to civil though. They are suing the people.
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