Save Futurama-Again

  • por: Gordon Yarley
  • destinatário: Comedy Central, Netflix, TBS, Fox

Futurama is a show that has survived cancellation before, and gets funnier every time it comes back.  It's a wonderful animated show that has great voice talent, amazing writers, and stunning animation.  It deserves to be seen.  Please sign this petition so we can show the producers we care. I also created a facebook group as well.  Please share and sign up.

It also helps too if you write to Comedy Central and let them know to Save Futurama.

There is also a Facebook page as well:

There are over 26 million people who like Futurama on Facebook.  If Comedy Central won't renew the show, let's let Netflix know they need to pick it up.

Write into both Comedy Central and Netflix and let them know you care.  The Hypnotoad has spoken..

Dear network executives and producers of Futurama, we the fans have signed this petition in order to show that we love Futurama and do not wish to see it cancelled.  In two weeks we got 10,000 signatures.  The fans love the show.  Please keep Futurama on the air.

The show is liked by over 26 million people on Facebook, has sold millions of dvds, and is loved the world over.  It is an intelligent witty and very funny animated television series that deserves to be seen.

The continuing adventures of Leela, Fry, Bender, the Professor, Amy, Hermes, Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan, Scruffy, Kif, Mom, and Nibbler need to be seen.

Please do not cancel our beloved show.  Please renew it or pick it up.

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