When I am 6 months I will be gassed to death and then skinned be course someone else wants my coat.

In Sweden today there are about 75 mink farms and one more was approved to be installed 3 weeks ago despite petitions with 62,000 signatures.
Every year, at 6 months old, 1 000 000 (one million) minks are gassed to death in Sweden and will be skinned to be used in the fur industry.
Already after such a short time in captivity many minks shows severe bite wounds, diseases and stereotyped behavior due to the incongruity they live in.
8 of 10 Swedes want to liquidate the mink farms but the government does not listen to us and therefore I hope the rest of the world wants to help us in the fight against this cruelty. Please sign the list and tell the Swedish government to stop this cruelty.
There is only one owner to the fur and thats the animal.

Atualização #19 anos atrás
Hi friends and thank´s for your signature it made me and the sweet minks very happy. Still we need much more names so please share, share and share! Thank You.

Love You all
Barbro and the minks
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