Justice For Kitty Now!

  • por: Kim M
  • destinatário: Animal Lovers

UPDATE 11/27/18 - There are two petitions online for the same purpose of Justice for Kitty.  The Asheville Police Dept. has taken this matter seriously, and your signature on this petition has been of great assistance in seeking justice for Kitty.  Thank you!

UPDATE!!  We are making a difference!  Two of Kitty's abusers have had an additional charge added that has increased their bond amount to $20,000 each.  We need to put pressure on lawmakers to make animal abuse a stiffer penalty.  Your help is greatly appreciated.


The tragic death of Kitty was brought to the attention of the Asheville Police Department (Asheville, NC) (APD) after Veronica Coit of Asheville Cat Weirdos (a cat owners group) saw Kitty on Instagram. The cat had been tortured and ritualistically mutilated. She contacted the police. The pictures are truly horrific, with needles and drugs stuck in his body.

The trio, described as "drifters," are maintaining their innocence, but there is strong evidence they were the perpetrators as there are pictures of them laughing and posing with the disfigured corpse of the poor cat.  For any person to maliciously torture, mutilate, maim, cruelly beat, disfigure, poison, or kill any animal is considered a Class H misdemeanor. We must demand stiffer penalties against those who harm animals for fun.

Kitty's owners said in an interview that he was very friendly, sweet and trusting of humans. We must demand that the Asheville Police Department prosecute these animal haters to the fullest extent of the law. These types of acts should be a felony as they prove that these are not stable people, and they are truly a danger to society.

Please sign this petition so we can be sweet Kitty's voice.

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