I live in Texarkana Texas. In this part of the country the level of animal abandonment, dumping and abuse in general is beyond OUT OF CONTROL due to indiscriminate rampant breeding of dogs and cats! The back yard breeding and dog fighting are also huge problems, and both are directly related to the lack of laws!! I started a free spay/neuter fund in March of 2021, called Fix TXK, in order to help
    people who can’t afford to have their pats fixed. We cover Texarkana TX & AR and all the surrounding areas. We even provide funds for feral animals to try to help the abominable feral cat colonies in our area! At this point we’ve spent thousands and fixed close to 700 animals all on donations and fundraisers! Everything we do is strictly citizens trying to help!!
    We are BEGGING for assistance in this matter from our FEDERAL government, in the form of LAWS TO STOP THIS MADNESS, because sadly, the local leaders don’t find it important enough to even have a shelter on the Texas side of Texarkana!! We’ve tried for years to get support, to no avail! I am on a team CALLED TACT(Texarkana Animal Coalition Team)run by the City Zoning Manager, which includes Animal Control and is geared at helping, but at this point it hasn’t helped this problem at all. We have local rescue groups go literally send hundreds of dogs and
    Puppies up north monthly, after completely vetting them and arranging their own transport..and that just the ones who are saved. So many aren’t. 😞


    We need more! I have lots of supporters.
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