Demand UFO and ALIEN Disclosure by the U.S. Government

Are you tired of the cover-up? So am I. How can UFO's and ALIENS be a global hoax since the beginning of time? Because it's not a hoax. This is very real and happening all around us on a daily basis. The U.S. Government is keeping us in the dark to keep us as puppets for economic growth. It has been said that the truth would cause a breakdown of all religions as well as the “breakdown of society, itself”.

I demand the truth - join me in letting our government know.......
1. We know we're being lied to.
2. We demand to know what they know.
3. We can handle it.

Let's get 10,000 signatures........ share the link for this petition.

Become a "TRUTH WARRIOR" - Join the movement.


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