Speak Up Against Trump's War on Wolves

  • por: alicia graef
  • destinatário: Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Wolves are an integral species in the ecosystems they exist in, but controversy surrounding their existence has continued unabated for decades – and now the Trump Administration wants to put them fully in the crosshairs once again.

Gray wolves have already faced such heavy persecution that we nearly killed every single one of them by the 1900s with bounty programs, hunting and trapping.

Protection that was put in place with the passage of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in the 1970s finally helped put them on the path to recovery, but their journey is far from over and they're still functionally extinct in vast portions of their historic range.

Sadly, in its ongoing assault against the environment and wildlife, the Trump Administration has announced its intention to strip federal protection from all wolves in the lower 48, with the exception of Mexican wolves.

Doing so would turn management responsibilities over to states that have already proven to be hostile to recovery efforts.

Not only would this open the door to rampant hunting and trapping, it would hinder recovery efforts and all but ensure wolves never expand to portions of their historic range where it's been determined there's plenty of suitable habitat for them, including the Adirondacks, southern Rockies and other areas.

Their advocates are continuing to argue gray wolves are still far from recovered, and this move would be a death sentence for them across the nation.

Please sign and share this petition urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service not to strip gray wolves of federal protection.

Atualização #15 anos atrás
On Tuesday, May 14th, Care2 is rallying with the Center for Biological Diversity, Endangered Species Coalition, and others to deliver more than 25,000 handwritten comments and 1 MILLION digital petition signatures. Will you join us in DC to stand up for America’s wolves? We'll be donning wolf masks and blasting recorded wolf howls, bringing the voices of the voiceless with us to flood the administration with support for wolves.
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