USA - Make a Firm Commitment to Mitigating Climate Change

  • por: Judith B.
  • destinatário: President Barack Obama, President of the United States

Climate change is no laughing matter. It has already led to droughts and floods in Africa and Asia, wrecking lives. It is behind Arctic sea ice melt and may have been a contributing factor to the severity of Hurricane Sandy.

Animals are moving to colder regions on land and in the oceans. Climate change is altering ecosystems. Without real action from the world’s most powerful countries it will get worse.

The USA has finally accepted that it is a real issue and now it has the chance to do something. The UN’s global warming summit is in Doha, Qatar next week.

Tell president Obama to make a firm commitment to not only send diplomats but also take real action this time.

We the undersigned ask that you make a strong commitment to taking real, effective action on climate change prior to the UN global warming summit in Doha next week. This issue is of tremendous importance – it already is changing our world, and not usually for the better.

Although hurricane Sandy changed the way Americans saw the issue, melting sea ice, animals on the move and droughts and floods have been going on for a long time; in fact climate change was predicted decades ago. Keeping climate change to a minimum through reducing the use of fossil fuels, restoring wetlands and reforestation, among other measures, is imperative.

It is time that the USA shows real leadership, taking real action before, during and after the summit, in particular committing to keep the temperature rise below 2 Celsius. It is too late for a repeat of the Kyoto fiasco.

Thank you for your attention.

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