Petition the KC to remove breeders from the ABS who are breeding cross breeds and Pedigree dogs from the same bitches on alternate litters. ABS should be for accreedited breeders of pedigree dogs only not an endorsement of designer dog breeders To put a stop of this ever growing money maker of designer crossbreeds that the KC seemed to condone. The owners of these bitches do not care about temperament or health checks just money. More importantly decent and caring KC Accredited breeders (and those that are not accredited breeders) are been sold down the river by the KC who are turning their backs on breeders who are breeding both pedigree and cross breeds, with no checks to see if the same bitch is having a pedigree litter one season and a crossbreed litter the next seaso. The accredited breeder scheme was set up by the KC to supposedly tell the public that this breeder has been checked and is a good person to buy from. Yet some breeders are selling crossbreeds under the umbrella of being a KC accredited breeder. By signing this petition it is calling for the KC to sit up and stop this abuse of their own creation. More importantly stop bitches being abused, some bitches are being put to stud dogs that are far too big for them, no one seems to care what damage is done to these bitches?