Save the Endangered Clownfish!

  • por: Lynn Hamilton
  • destinatário: National Marine Fisheries Service

The vividly gorgeous orange clownfish rose to celebrity status with the popularity of Finding Nemo, the animated film that featured a young clownfish who became separated from his family. 

Now Nemo and his fellow clownfish are struggling for the survival of their species. Ocean acidification, brought on by global warming, jeopardizes the orange clownfish population. The higher acid content of their habitat leaves clownfish badly damaged with lost hearing, eyesight, and smell. Orange clownfish, which reside mostly  in the Pacific Ocean near Australia, need the protection of the Endangered Species Act. So far, however, they are not listed. 

"If we want these these beautiful animals to survive in the wild, not just in a movie, we have to protect them," said CBD Climate Science Director Shaye Wolf. Please ask the National Marine Fisheries Service to list the orange clownfish under the Endangered Species Act.

We the undersigned think that Nemo and his fellow clownfish should live on in the oceans and not just in an animated film. 

Orange clownfish are not only strikingly colorful and beautiful, they are also in a lot of danger from ocean acidification. Acidic oceans damage coral reefs which are integral to the survival of the clownfish and so many other fish. As a result of ocean pollution, clownfish are losing their sight, hearing, and sense of smell. This makes them an easy target for their predators.

Orange clownfish are losing the race for survival. Please give them the help they need by listing them on the Endangered Species Act. 


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