Thank the judge who ordered Rudy Giuliani to hand over his valuables to election workers he defamed

  • por: Left Action
  • destinatário: Judge in Giuliani case

Rudy Giuliani spread dangerous lies and conspiracy theories about Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss, in the aftermath of the 2020 election. He made their lives hell – and now he's paying the price. 

Giuliani owes the election workers $150 million in damages (awarded from a civil case), so a federal judge ordered Giuliani to hand over his Manhattan penthouse apartment as well as his luxury car, expensive watches, sports memorabilia, furniture, jewelry, and more. 

Rudy Giuliani is finally getting what's coming to him after sending the MAGA mob after these two women who were simply counting ballots on Election Day. Join us in thanking the judge for delivering justice and making Rudy Giuliani pay for his disgusting behavior >>

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