Facebook: Stop Censoring Activist Marches!

Millions of people use Facebook everyday to share ideas, connect, and promote causes essential to society. It has grown because of its use as an open network, first in College campuses, now, everywhere. Except, apparently, right here in the United States, where Facebook recently removed an event organized by March Against Monsanto.

Monsanto, of course, is one of the world’s largest corporations and advertises on Facebook. Perhaps that’s why a march aimed at criticizing their inhumane practices was deemed in violation of Facebook’s vague terms of use.

Facebook has become essential for organizers - if March against Monsanto can’t use Facebook, it will make the task of standing up to Monsanto and its millions that much harder.

We cannot let Facebook censorship stand - if they can shut down this march, then imagine what they’ll do in the future to protect their advertisers. This is the time to send a strong message to Facebook that we won’t allow censorship. Sign this petition and tell all your friends on Facebook to call on the social network to stop censoring activist marches!

Dear Facebook,

I was appalled to hear that Facebook censored and removed an event organized by March Against Monsanto in St. Louis, Missouri. Why was this event removed when it obviously did not violate the terms of use? This sounds like censorship.

I didn’t join Facebook to have my news feed censored. Please allow March Against Monsanto to post their event on Facebook - and clarify that you will no longer censor activist marches. Otherwise, more and more of us will begin to turn elsewhere, to a social network that respects our values.


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