Support our Elected Board of Supervisors to Review all Del Norte County Budgets

We need local support to ensure that our county's financial future is secure and transparent. Our elected Board of Supervisors should play a crucial role in the approval of the county budget, which directly impacts every aspect of our community, from public safety and healthcare to education and infrastructure.

Currently the budgets are approved by a team of three people. There are no Board of Supervisor appointed to the budget team. It's time to change that!

LET'S SHOW SUPPORT TO OUR ELECTED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO REVIEW ALL DEL NORTE COUNTY BUDGETS IN ANNUAL BUDGET HEARINGS ~ It is up to us as a community to show our support for them, either by signing this petition or sending a letter of support to or by 7/22/24. You can also send a physical letter to PO Box 311, Crescent City, CA 95531.

Our Del Norte County Board of Supervisors - Darrin Short (District 1), Valerie Starkey (District 2), Chris Howard (District 3), Joey Borges - Vice Chair (District 4), and Dean Wilson - Chair (District 5) - are a talented and highly capable team that could properly review these county budgets. With their combined knowledge and skills, the County of Del Norte is guaranteed to have vast improvements.

Our goal is 500 signatures and/or letters BY JULY 23, 2024 to present at the Board of Supervisors Meeting at 10:00 AM. Let's come together as a community for a chance to move forward together!


"[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]

Del Norte County Board of Supervisors
981 H Street, Suite 200
Crescent City, CA 95531

Dear elected Del Norte County Board of Supervisors,

I am writing to express my support for the Board of Supervisors to hold an annual budget hearing, in order to review all county budgets throughly. 

I believe that annual hearings are essential to ensure fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability in the management of county resources. With the participation of all five board members, you can meticulously examine each department's budget, identify opportunities for cost savings, improve the efficiency of public services, and prioritize spending to better meet the needs of our community and county staff.

I trust in you, and your commitment to this process demonstrates a dedication to good governance and the prudent stewardship of taxpayer funds.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your ongoing service to the residents of Del Norte County.


[Your Signature]
[Your Printed Name]"

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