This is a draft or the original letter registered and mail to our health Minister over a number of years ago no response to date a cc..copy to Trudeau as well no response, not a very nice way for an elected official to treat us....Bob
The Hon. Rona Ambrose, P.C., M.P.
Health Canada
Brooke Claxton Building, Tunney's Pasture
Postal Locator: 0906C
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9
Dear Hon. Ambrose,
I am asking for you and the Government's
full co-operation in providing proper guidance in establishing a no-fault
program for Canada.
I am writing to you to ask for your help
and also your opinion. The following is
the reason:
In 2010 I had an H1N1 Flu Vaccine and came
down with Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS).
Approximately two weeks later I ended up in the ICU in Victoria General
Hospital as a quadriplegic, on a ventilator for three months and was then moved
to the Rehabilitation Ward for another four months. I then had to learn how to talk and walk
again. As you can see, this is a very
debilitating syndrome and 30% of people who get GBS are left with adverse long-lasting
effects, mostly nerve damage, pain and mobility to function on a daily basis.
Full information is available on my blog
which my daughter wrote while I was hospitalized. I would appreciate it if you would please
take the time to read my story which is available at
Also, please check for updates.
I would like you, and your Department's help, in working with all stakeholders
to create a no-fault compensation program. The no-fault program is most
important as it will create a fair and just compensation package for the
injured victims from most vaccines, not just the H1N1. I feel you, along
with the help of other members of Parliament, can create a very strong case to
pass a Bill to compensate the injured. We would use most of the original
no-fault USA package passed and administered.
The USA compensation program was passed in Congress in 1988 and was
retroactive to 1976 when a form of the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine caused many
injuries to people. In the USA there was a 7 - 12% increase in GBS.
Naturally, we would make the Canadian no-fault compensation package retroactive
to cover the 2009 H1N1 and all vaccines to date. There were more injuries from the H1N1
Vaccine. I should note that Canada and Russia are the only two (2) of the
G20 countries that DO NOT have
a no-fault compensation program. In saying this, I feel, with you having
just been appointed to your new post, it would be fitting to start fresh and
create a long-overdue program.
I would like to congratulate you on your
new post. I also look forward to being of any help I can in supplying my
time and information regarding all or any no-fault information of which I have
been researching (GBS) for the past two years.
Thank you.
Canada and Russia are the only 2 of the G20 that DO NOT have a proper, fair, just and legal compensation program to compensate ALL Canadians that are injured as a result of having had a Vaccine not just the flu, the H1N1 or any vaccine must be COMPENSATED Bob Martin read Bob's Story. Vote NOW 2020
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