Keep Our Schools Alive in West Niagara

  • por: Nicole Scime
  • destinatário: Warren Hoshizaki; Director of Education

Keep our heritage schools alive and avoid building a mega-school for our small communities - West Lincoln, Grimsby, and Lincoln. The District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) is forcing members of the community and their children to conform to a mega-school for 'West Niagara' in order to save in maintenance costs and upgrades for our existing schools.

By building a mega-school (location currently unknown) it will force many of children to have lengthy bus rides, longer journeys for parents to school commitments, and will severely lack the small town feel we all strive for.

South Lincoln, in particular, has never been a large school and has never fallen short in the past. The DSBN and our townships/communities are required to ensure that all community members have access to PUBLIC schools - these communities being specifically, West Lincoln, Grimsby, and Lincoln as their own entities and not the so-called, 'West Niagara', area.

The DSBN has scheduled public meetings to present their reports and allow for the public to comment - however, before receiving any comments or input from the public and the members of the community who FUND the DSBN, the students of South Lincoln have already been sent home with letters advising that the school will be closing as of June 2017. This is unacceptable.

Keep our schools alive in West Lincoln, Lincoln, and Grimsby. Community members are outraged and extremely dissatisfied with the hasty decision of the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) to announce the closure of our heritage schools without involvement or input directly from those who fund the public school systems.

As individual communities we feel that the DSBN is required to ensure every student has access to a public school in their community. West Niagara is not a community in its own right and therefore does not meet this criteria. Our schools within our communities must be sustained, upgraded, and celebrated. They have served our communities for many years and have never fallen short in the past.

There are many questions and concerns that need to be answered and addressed. These critical topics should have been addressed prior to the students at South Lincoln High School receiving letters advising that the school will be closing in June 2017.

Does the DSBN really want input from the community or is this another formality?

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