Ban destructive Krill fishing in the Antarctic, Now!

    Commercial fisheries for years have been taking vast quantities of Krill an important food source for species like whales, seals, penguins and Antarctic sea birds. This sucks as they're stealing an entire food supply from these poor Antarctic animals. It's pretty sickening to see profits - for health supplements and pet food supplies - being put before species in one of the planets last untouched wildernesses that Antarctic life relies on. When you think recently the last White-Male-Rhino passed away in Africa meaning that species now faces extinction all because of man-made events like poaching and loss of land that just didn't need to happen-Well krill fishing in the Beautiful Antarctic sows the seeds for the same type of devastation.
    The only way to stop this is for people powered movements and public opinion to place enormous pressure on governments with vested interests in the Antarctic region to create safe zones like an ocean sanctuary to make the Antarctic off limits to exploitation.
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