The Trump Administration Wants to Make It Easier to Kill Baby Bears and Wolves

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: United States Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke
In Alaska, you might soon be able to teach your children the wonder of the great outdoors by killing helpless bear cubs and wolf pups in their dens or mowing down swimming caribou from the comfort of your own motorboat.

The Trump administration wants to open the door to extreme hunting techniques of some of Alaska's most iconic animals. The proposal is an attempt to rollback a 2015 Obama administration regulation that banned the same practices.

Besides the horrific caribou slaughtering methods that would be permitted, the rollback would also allow hunters to "lure brown and black bears with bait, hunt black bears and their cubs using artificial lights, [...], and use dogs to hunt black bears."

The park service suggests that loosening hunting restrictions would boost opportunities for "sportsmen" wishing to take advantage of Alaska's bounty. But, in reality, it is just a disgusting push to make the cruel sport of hunting even more inhumane and barbaric.

Now, the public has 60 days to comment before the final decision is made.

Please sign the petition and tell the Department of the Interior that you don't want cruel extreme hunting techniques in our federal lands. Speak up now, while there is still time.

For more information about the National Park Service's proposal or to submit public comments, visit and search for "RIN 1024-AE38."
Atualização #15 anos atrás
On Tuesday, May 14th, Care2 is rallying with the Center for Biological Diversity, Endangered Species Coalition, and others to deliver more than 25,000 handwritten comments and 1 MILLION digital petition signatures. Will you join us in DC to stand up for America’s wolves? We'll be donning wolf masks and blasting recorded wolf howls, bringing the voices of the voiceless with us to flood the administration with support for wolves.
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