European Union: Stand Against Horsemeat!

A February 13th meeting of the European Union addressed concerns related to the recent scandal in which horsemeat was sold as beef. As more countries are testing beef samples for traces of horsemeat, they find that the problem has been spreading.

Nations most affected by the horsemeat scandal called for more intensive testing in March. Their proposal includes testing 6,500 beef samples for traces of horsemeat and Bute, a harmful equine medicine.

Some European nations aren't sensitive about eating horsemeat, but mislabeled meat is unacceptable nonetheless. Please sign the petition to support tighter regulations and prevent similar scandals from happening in the future.

We, the undersigned, are concerned about the recent scandal in which horsemeat was sold as beef. We understand that the European Union called a February 13th meeting to addressed concerns related to the scandal, and appreciate that you have called for more intensive meat testing.

We know that some European nations aren't sensitive about eating horsemeat, but mislabeled meat is unacceptable nonetheless. We support the efforts to increase regulations and prevent a scandal like this from occuring in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our letter.

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