Demand Animal Shelters Vaccinate Dogs Against the Canine Flu!

  • por: Laura G
  • destinatário: U.S. Animal Shelters

A flu epidemic is currently spreading across the United States — and it's not the one affecting people. It's the very contagious canine influenza (CI), which has sickened dogs in 40 states.

The dogs most susceptible to CI are those that are exposed to other dogs in dog parks, boarding facilities, grooming salons — and animal shelters. The symptoms can range from mild coughing to serious complications like pneumonia. CI is deadliest for puppies and senior dogs, and dogs with weakened immune systems.

Fortunately, a vaccination against CI is available. It may not completely prevent dogs from getting sick, but it can significantly decrease the symptoms, severity and spread of infection. Veterinarians are recommending the vaccination for all dogs that are frequently in contact with other dogs.

To help ensure homeless pets stay healthy and adoptable, all dogs in animal shelters should be given this vaccination to prevent the spread of CI.

To show your support of this idea, please sign and share this petition, and then contact your local shelter and tell them to give dogs the canine influenza vaccination.

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