• por: Sophia Angelova
  • destinatário: District Prosecutor's Office of the Municipality Of Kostinbrod, Mayor of Godech city

Two dogs were found shot in back and now one of them is unable to walk again. There is man in Godech, a small town in Bulgaria, who shoots at cats and dogs and leaves them to die in pain.
Urge the local authorities to bring the responcible man to justice!

Laika was a one of many Bulgarian street dogs, causing no one any harm, taking shelter in someone's yard and being fed by locals. Sherry was used as a guard dog for livestock in the same village. Then several months back for no other reason than for his own perverse sense of fun, a man in this village started shooting dogs and cats. He would purposely aim for their spines so as to paralyse them and leave them to die an agonising death, trying to drag themselves around. 

Laika was found in an awful condition a few days after she was shot several back in April [2013]. Girls from the city of Sofia, involved in dog rescue there, had been feeding her and visiting her regularly and had plans to castrate her. But on one visit they found her dragging herself around, with a prolapsed anal area and very bad infection. She was taken to a clinic in Sofia and operated on. After much treatment and rehabilitation she is ready for a new home. But she still has trouble controlling her bowel and bladder movements and so needs to wear a nappy in the house. 

Sherry was found shot a couple of months later in the same village, by the same man most likely. The people who had used her as a guard dog wanted nothing more to do with her and refused to get her help once they knew how and her condition was. But we were not going to desert her so quickly and easily. She was taken to a clinic in Sofia where another organisation kindly agreed to cover her veterinary bills for an operation and stay. She then came to for fostering. It is unlikely she will walk again and now has a mobile-cart. She is also now looking for a permanent home. 

The police were contacted about the incidents and reports taken and statements made and this is currently in the hands of the local court and prosecutor to see if the man will be prosecuted. So far we have no news about the decidion of the court. 
Plese sign and urge them to  

Atualização #111 anos atrás
Sherry and Laika are now in foster home in UK! They are both waiting for their forever families!
Sherry has started hydrotherapy and Laika is being the most awesome dog in the world!
You can read more about their story here:
Sherry and Laika did not deserve this difficult life. Please share this petition widely! So far the authorities have not come to a decision and we need to urge them to punish the one responsible!
Thank you!
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