Many people do not realize that there is more to saving bees and butterflies than reducing the use of insecticides. Another great way to ensure their survival is to place saucers of fresh, clean water (changed daily to prevent mosquito larvae) in a shady spot in the garden. The clay saucers used under flower pots are ideal. Fill these with no more than 1/2" of water, and place a small rock in the center. Bees and butterflies will visit these on hot days. Many bees drown in swimming pools in their search for a drink.

Also, leave spots of bare soil in your garden, with no mulch. There are many species of bees besides honeybees, and some of these nest in individual family groups (not hives) in the soil. Too much mulch in your landscaping prevents them from finding a suitable home.

Flowering plants from the garden center certainly are beautiful, and bees are definitely attracted to them. But one of the most beneficial things that you can do is to allow clover, dandelions, purple coneflowers, and milkweed to thrive on your property. Your yard need not end up looking weed-infested. Simply not using using herbicides or pesticides on your lawn, and adjusting the mower height to 3"-4" will allow clover and dandelions (which are invasive) to grow, while keeping your lawn neat-looking. You may need to trim every week, as dandelions grow faster than grass.

Milkweed grows very tall in full sun, and is beautiful as a background planting along fences. This weed is an important dietary item for the larval stage of the Monarch Butterfly. Purple coneflowers look beautiful anywhere. Another great addition to your landscaping is honeysuckle, which can be grown as a bush, vine, or groundcover. It is a favorite of bees, butterflies, and also hummingbirds, although it is not legal in every state, as it is invasive.

By providing a source of water, native flowering plants, and small patches of bare soil, you can help ensure the survival of these beautiful and important part of our natural world.

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