Land rights and Environmental Protection.

  • por: ZM
  • destinatário: Bikita East Ward 25 residence.

This petition seeks support from Ward 25 villagers to oppose the potential loss of their surrounding land, including mountains, to a nearby game park. It highlights the need to protect village land rights, natural resources, and cultural heritage sites.

The negative effects of losing this land include displacement of villagers, loss of access to essential resources, and environmental degradation. Additionally, there is a risk of losing domestic animals to predators like lions, hyenas, and leopards, as well as crops to elephants.

The petition calls for government intervention, compensation for lost land, and exploring alternative solutions to safeguard the community's interests.

Consider the following questions

1. Do you oppose losing surrounding land to the game park?
2. Should the government protect our village land rights?
3. Do you believe the mountains should remain part of our village?
4. Are you concerned about losing access to natural resources?
5. Should the community have a say in land allocation decisions?
6. Do you support preserving our cultural heritage sites?
7. Are you worried about the impact on local agriculture?
8. Should the government provide compensation for lost land?
9. Do you believe the game park expansion will harm our environment?
10. Should alternative solutions be explored to protect our land?

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