If you're like me, you love Alaska. And along with Alaska comes the wildlife and wilderness, wolves and their pups; bears and their cubs; and other wildlife where the list goes on and on.

But this could all change. Alaska is plotting something that would result in wolves and their pups being gunned down during the "denning" season, aerial shootings of bears and wolves, and the baiting, snaring, and shooting of all of these animals too.

And what for?

Because Alaska wants to inflate the moose population, and any other prey that these predators normally kill. This way, more hunters and tourists will come. This same plan was brought to Yellowstone park decades ago, and the wolves suffered, and the other wildlife. Without natural predators, the entire balance of nature is gone. I would've thought we would've learned from our mistakes, but we haven't. And wildlife is still suffering.
Please help us to make this stop.

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