L'OREAL claims to have stopped all animals testing (in 1989) and too, they have given a HUGE amounts of money to EPA towards stopping **ALL**cosmetic testing though they themselves HAVE NOT STOPPED ANIMAL TESTING AT ALL!

The picture MAYBE old but the suffering hurts exactly the same.

L'OREAL and in fact their **many** subsidiaries ALL still test on animals!

With so much proof out there and available at your fingertips, my hopes is to make this simple and sweet and make THEM STOP TRUTHFULLY ONCE AND FOR ALL!

PLEASE SIGN and STATE YOU AGREE TO BOYCOTT L'OREAL and **ALL** of their relative products including GARNIER and **N E S T L`E** too. Please, for the many so badly tortured and hurting animals:((

L'OREAL, you CONTINUE TO LIE TO US about animal testing-

We again start a NEW VENUE, cosmetic users together united, TO BOYCOTT **ALL** products amde by you, Garnier and **N E S C L`E** too.

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