In desperate need of Justice Reform
Over 95% of individuals who are involved in the court system can not afford private counsel or Bail so they are forced to stay in jail to fight their case which could drag on for a long period of time. The result of this is they lose their jobs, their place to live and even their children. Public defenders who represent them have a wide case load and are too busy to really examine the case file so even if the individual is innocent they are forced to take a deal because the public defender scares them enough or they are tired of sitting in jail. It’s also known that even if there is no evidence or their is evidence in your favor to show your innocence, The DA will withhold that evidence and we all know when discovery, videos, statements aren’t produced in court the individual is forced to waive time and sit in jail while the DA is scrambling to get evidence on you.
The solution would be to implement the Brady Rule and what this rule does is hold any DA or Defense Attorney be held liable if evidence is withheld.
Second issue is we have rights under the United States constitution where no court officials abide by the constitution. So many rights are being violated and nobody is doing anything about it. I don’t think priors should be used unless it’s a violent crime, that should be case by case evaluation.
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