Don't Punish Teens for Being Responsible!

Two weeks ago, a North Andover High School student named Erin received a call from a friend who was too drunk to drive home. Shortly after arriving to the party to pick up her friend, the police showed up and cited several students for underage drinking.

Though Erin was cleared for drinking violations, the school punished her for violating a zero tolerance policy against drug and alcohol use. She was demoted from her position as captain of the volleyball team and told she would be suspended from playing in the next five games.

Students should not be punished for helping out their friends in an emergency. If Erin feared punishment and refused to drive her friend, students and innocents could have been hurt or killed in a drunk driving accident. Please sign the petition to convince North Andover High School to reconsider Erin's punishment and to include a Good Samaritan clause in their drug and alcohol policy that would allow sober students to help their friends.

We, the undersigned, are concerned with North Andover High School's decision to punish a student named Erin Cox for violating a zero tolerance policy against drug and alcohol use. We understand that she was demoted from her position as captain of the volleyball team and told she would be suspended from playing in the next five games.

Students should not be punished for helping out their friends in an emergency. If Erin feared punishment and refused to drive her friend, students and innocents could have been hurt or killed in a drunk driving accident. We respectfully urge you to reconsider Erin's punishment and to include a Good Samaritan clause in their drug and alcohol policy that would allow sober students to help their friends. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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