Official Letter of Complaint regarding Animal Control Officers Hastings District Council

The Hastings Dog Rangers Wall of Shame has listed many accounts where animal abuse and person to person abuse has occurred where your Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers) have been involved and in most cases have instigated the abuse using scare tactics to obtain animals to impound then charging a fee for the release of these animals.


While in the custody of your Hastings District Dog Pound the animals have suffered abuse and violence by Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers). The owners of the animals have attempted to retrieve their animals and have been advised that they are unable to because of accusations where no proven evidence has been produced to the owner or written notification given as to reasons why.

Letter of Complaint

This is an official letter of complaint advising the Hastings District Council, Mayor Yule and CEO, Hastings District Council of serious issues with the Animal Control Officers noted as employees of the Hastings District Council.

The Hastings Dog Rangers Wall of Shame has listed many accounts where animal abuse and person to person abuse has occurred where Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers) have been involved and in most cases have instigated the abuse using scare tactics to obtain animals to impound then charging a fee (considered exorbitant when compared to other council fees )for the release of these animals.


While in the custody of your Hastings District Dog Pound the animals have suffered abuse and violence by your Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers). The owners of the animals have attempted to retrieve their animals and have been advised that they are unable to because of accusations where no evidence has been produced to the owner or written notification given as to reasons why.

Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers) have entered properties and caused willful damage to private property and claimed that property owners won't be able to prove it.


Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers) have been seen by neighbours loitering outside private properties and intentionally rushing at gates to cause the animal behind the gate to become disturbed and thereby bark by the continuous harassment.

Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers) have intimidated Dog owners into handing over their animals by threatening to take owners to court if they don't comply.


Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers) have made Dog owners register their dogs under the Hastings District Council even though the animal is listed under the Napier City Council and then informed the Dog owner they will need to comply by paying the fees or their Animal will remain in the pound and be put down.

Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers) have pushed, shoved, and verbally abused Property and Animal owners and then misused the bylaws to prosecute when they have instigated the behaviour.

Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers) have threatened Animal Owners and Property Owners that they will keep returning to impound their animal and/or put their animal down.

Animal Owners details have been deleted from the Hastings District Council Database and Animal owners have been accused of not registering animals and on receipt of proof of the tag number are then asked to provide all their Animal details again for the database.

Mayor Yule and the CEO Hastings District Council these are serious issues that need to be addressed by your Hastings District Council.

The Ratepayers of this district ask that you address each of these issues with your Animal Control Officers (Dog Control Officers) and other employees at the Hastings District Council.


Concerned Citizens, Dog Owners, and Ratepayers of Hawkes Bay and Surrounding areas.

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