Tell Stop and Shop to stop selling environmental destruction

Pollution from America's largest meat producers is the primary source of water pollution in the United States. In addition to contaminating public waterways, it has caused a massive dead zone –the size of New Jersey – off the coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico.

The agribusiness giant Cargill- recently named The Worst Company in the World — generated nearly 8 million tons of raw sewage from its facilities that was mostly left to wash untreated down the Mississippi River last year. Cargill is also responsible for the widespread destruction of native ecosystems across the globe — from tropical rainforests to grassland prairies — to produce grains used in animal feed. A growing number of Cargill's competitors are actively moving towards adopting sustainable farming practices that keep our waters clean and ecosystems intact but despite repeated commitments and public promises, Cargill refuses to change.

It's time for food companies to stop financing Cargill selling their customers meat from one of the most destructive companies in the world. Supermarket conglomerate Ahold Delhaize – which owns Stop and Shop as well as Hannaford's, Food Lion, Pea Pod and Giant supermarkets—claims to be committed to sustainability. But they've partnered with Cargill to provide the meat sold in its Stop & Shop stores.

You simply can't be sustainable and Cargill's partner at the same time.

Tell Ahold Delhaize to stop selling meat from Cargill until Cargill stops polluting public waterways, destroying native ecosystems, and exploiting local communities.

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