Stop the most dangerous methane leak in history

  • por: Caleb Laieski
  • destinatário: The Environmental Protection Agency, The White House, President Barack Obama, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy

California Governor Brown has declared a State of Emergency, after an uncontrolled gas leak at SoCalGas's Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility in a Los Angeles neighborhood. This has been spewing out over 50 tons of potent methane gas per hour.

The Obama Administration has failed to provide any resources to the State of California, or even make a statement.

Methane is the most potent greenhouse gas and once it enters into the atmosphere, it takes about 12 years to break down.

This is the LARGEST gas leak in history and the gas company is estimating another two months until they can stop the leak.

Join me in urging the Obama Administration to release a statement and send urgent and needed resources to California. This leak must be stopped as soon as possible.

Photo Credit: Resilience

The Governor of California has declared a State of Emergency, after an uncontrolled gas leak at SoCalGas's Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility in a Los Angeles neighborhood. This has been spewing out over 50 tons of potent methane gas per hour.

I am very disappointed that The Obama Administration has failed to provide any resources to the State of California, or even make a statement.

Methane is the most potent greenhouse gas and once it enters into the atmosphere, it takes about 12 years to break down.

This is the LARGEST gas leak in history and the gas company is estimating another two months until they can stop the leak.

I look forward to your agency sending California the resources they need as soon as possible.

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