Terrified dog forced into water during filming of A Dog's Purpose

  • por: Robin H
  • destinatário: Lasse Hallstrom, Amblin Partners and Universal Pictures and others

A terrified dog in the upcoming film "A Dog's Purpose" desperately resisted shooting a risky scene, but in spite of the dog's obvious fear it was forced into rushing water  and was quickly submerged. 

Handlers rushed to the dog's aid but how was this permitted to happen in the first place?

There must be 100% monitoring of all animals used in the entertainment industry world wide.

The video may be viewed here:


Per TMZ "We're told director Lasse Hallström was present the whole time, and at least one member of the crew was extremely disturbed by the dog's treatment during this scene."

Letters to those involved will be composed when all parties responsible are identified.

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