Shelter in Place Revision

The current "Stay at home Order" put in place by Gov Cooper is not going to change the spread of COVID-19 without drastic but reasonable measures. Listen to the people of your state! Stay at home orders do not help unless it is drastic. Nothing listed will change how life is today versus after 5pm today. 

Convenient stores DO NOT NEED TO BE OPEN, people can pump gas without the inside store being open- employees can come in and check pump levels without opening the store.
Target and Walmart- shut all shopping down except for grocery
Make business keep as many people working from home as possible
Vets and dentists and doctors- emergency or cancer treatments only. All insurance companies to approve tele/video doctor visits.
Limit hours in grocery stores, hardware stores and auto stores! Close lobbies to less than 10 patrons at once!
Pharmacy drive thru only!
Banks, drive thru only

You have to leave your house, you have to wear a mask!

We do not need fast food restaurants and LIQUOR stores open (I mean ABC essential are you kidding me)
Do something for your state- lead the pack don't be a follower, show the US that N.C. cares about its people. The economy is already slipping, rip the bandaid off stop the spread instead of prolonging. Stop rent and mortgage payments, 90 day moratorium! Close the borders! 
We shut all of this down and more and reverse highways lanes due to hurricanes to save people's lives, why wouldn't you do that now!

How about a stimulus package for companies, restaurant owners and small businesses to pay their employees during an "actual" shelter in place so they don't lose their jobs! 

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