Demand Donald Trump not destroy the Environment by Supporting Coal and Oil

The world has a problem within climate change and we are now heading in the right direction. If Trump becomes president and supports coal and oil industries it could destroy the progress we have made. We all have a connection to the cause because it is the future of our planet. If we can convince Trump to support green energy then we will at least not move backwards.

Dear Mr. Trump,

Climate change is a subject that I am sure you have heard a lot about. During your campain you stated that cilmate change wasnt a real thing and that pollution isnt really a problem. Now, being the president elect, it is very important that the problems and threats to the world at large are addressed. Take a look at this study completed in 2012    this study was done by the government that you will soon have a good amount of power over. The signature represent the people who are more concerned by the threat to the planet than by any other problem we face today. I, being 18, have realized that my generation is one of the last ones with an ability change anything.

Not only that but studies are showing that solar and other clean energy options are able to pay for themselves in a little over a year, by the time the next election came around people could have unlimited clean energy and getting reelected would be no problem. 

I hope this letter contained enough of the evidence to switch to clean energy the you will reconsider your past statements. 

Your hopeful fellow citizen,

Russell Berkley

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Thnanks for showing your support to this cause, I will be sending this to Trump towers so numbers count
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