Reinstatement of Heather Kern to Victoria Animal Control

  • por: Christy Orsak
  • destinatário: Commissioners of Victoria County

When Heather was first employed by Victoria Animal Control the kill rate was 99.9%. Today it is 48%. Heather was instrumental in the success, setting up pictures of adoptable animals on the County Website; she spent hours of her own personal time to make contacts with breed specific rescues all over South Texas to find placement for specific breeds, she used her own time and money to transport pets to said rescues; she worked out a deal with Petsmart to allow some of the cats to be there and be available for adoption. Recently the job of Chief came open and instead of promoting Heather to that position,our illustrious County Commissioners decided to hire someone from the outside. As a result Heather is no longer working at VAC. So far there has been no reason given for not promoting the most qualified person to the position and instead hiring someone from the outside with no experience with animal control. Please if you care about the animals of Victoria County sign and show your support.

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