We demand the brazilian BAN of LIVE exports

At the very moment when international public opinion is fighting to STOP the australian live exports, Brazil has decided to expand this shameful practice.We have been fighting against the live exports practiced in Rio Grande do Sul, by which thousand of animals are already being exported to the Middle East where they are slaughtered in the most inhuman ways.Now Santa Catarina is intending to join this absurd cruelty.UNLESS something is done, we will soon see this murderous business happening in every possible region of the country.Please help us to tell brazilian authorities that we do NOT want this hideous form of "business" to be established in this country.We want it to END immediately.Below you can see how these animals are treated when __ and if __ they arrive to their destiny. Many of them die in the worse possible conditions on the way.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sZOUCJRxC0&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsearch_query%3Dlive%2Bexport%2BAustralia%2BIndonesia%26aq%3Df&has_verified=1
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