Horse: they stood by us in our harshest of battles. Now it's time to stand by them in there battle! American may have put a stop to the slaughter houses in the USA. But these horses are sent to Mexico and Canada instead. They are put through 500 miles of rough terrain being jam packed in cattle trailers that were not built for bigger animals. And in those miles they are not being stopped for rest, food, or water. And when they get to there destination they are treated like parasites. If they even made it there. If they are mothers to foals they are seperated when they get there. They feel pain of loosing their child. People say they don't know or that they won't feel anything. They can in every way possible. They smell the fear and the blood when they arrive. All they want is for security and a loving family to make them feel safe and loved. Why don't we give them that? For what it's worth, I hope that the people that run each and every horse or any other slaughter house, gets what is coming to them. Horses are majestic and just beautiful, we need to keep them here for generations to come.