Just what is going on in the head of this so called man, or for that matter his SNP cohorts? How dare he agree to attempt to destroy one of Scotland's Iconic animals. These beautiful creatures are OURS, they belong to the countryside, the public of Scotland and of our countryside. Yet he wants to have them slaughtered, all in the name of keeping the big estate owners happy for thier pheasant shooting! There are deer fencing, plus many other means of protection from these wonderful animals, yet in his mind the ONLY means is the Bullet. Sign this petition, I need thousands of people to sign and get this stopped in it's tracks, otherwise there will be no Red Deer, No majestic Stags for people to see, nor for thier children, or your childrens children. The Stalkers and Ghillies of this country need these animals too, to keep thier jobs, or does Alex Salmond not care about these people too? STOP THIS INSANE SLAUGHTER, NOW. Thank you.

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