Nevada is a dry as a bone state in many places, water here is Blue Gold. Vidler Water Co. hit paydirt when it started digging into how to enrich its parent company, PICO with Nevada's rural agriculture water rights! Vidler's relationship with the BLM helped it gobble up government land and grazing rights, making a sister company one of Nevada's largest land owners. Vidler, buys agricultural water rights as fast & cheap as possible all over the US. Then it makes deals with rural Counties in arid states like Nevada to "improve" the lifestyle of the rural residents. The deals sound great, but the bottom line is this...Vidler Water Co. owns all the equipment & water that is stored, delivered and sold to the third party...the end customer... people that government entity serves, small farms, rural families! It can own that water forever! All life needs water to survive. Vidler Water Co.'s business plan controls one of life's necessities. Think of the POLITICALand ECONOMICAL POWER that gives this PRIVATE California Company in Nevada! Don't let such a monopolizing scheme continue. Pico' s founder, John Hart, scammed his stockholders. Vidler is scamming rural Nevada out of its agriculture water. Rural America is next.
We urge the United States Dept of Agriculture to get involved by investgating Vidler Water Co.'s involvement in its Lincoln County, Lyon County and Washoe Coynrty Nv deals. We urge the Nevada Water Engineer to favor new and inovative Agriculture use of water, instead of new developments and to be fully aware of the planned use by any water rights petitioner. County Mgrs. must be aware of the underlying mission as well as the money of any business they deal with. Vidler Water Companys political and power hungry business scheme must be stopped. Please help end their dirty water deals by signing & sharing this petition. Thank you.